Home Blog DUET : LAMENTATION by Mr Humble et King

DUET : LAMENTATION by Mr Humble et King


Our beloved democracy; captured and enslaved
In tears and despair we long for that moment,
as we walk through patched roads of thorns decorated with sands of shame and hopelessness.
Hyping manifesto tracks embellished with malnourished hopes.
invited and fed with droppings
as we walk on this unrecognised path.

~Mr Humble

Our beloved democracy, preaches freedom but isn’t
Tied to the robes of the white masters
We still follow their trends, which leads to rough ends
Tears now turn to blood
Men kill like chicken the carriers of their own blood
We lament of our yesterday and hope for a better tomorrow
But what assures us tomorrow wouldn’t be worst than yesterday?
Yesterday was the pregnancy of the day before
We keep up hope like our fathers before
It be seeming like the glory of the latter days be smaller than before.


On this journey through nineteen years of kwashioko democracy.
Shelter that of the century before
Rodents replace proteins and thirst quenched with sweats.
visited by the sun as it penetrates
the rain knocks, requesting payment
as we grieve and weep threading down flights of life’s miserable stairs.

~Mr Humble

The green grasses are all brown
The horses lost their dignity
The eagle seem to be short sighted now
Our beloved democracy would thou like the phoenix arise from thy ashes?
Or would you die like an ordinary bird?


Promised from podiums of wealth
Our culture traded for gold
assured from tables of growing men
expectant as we travel along
Laddened by luggages of worries as we drag our inherited successors.
With their lies and fake promises our hopes they traded for fame.

~Mr Humble

It’s not just the fame
This is a game
Prize is not just gold
Ever wonder why power seem to be family owned?
Pot bellied man puts his in law in power
Our beloved democracy, turns into a demo of craze.


That moment when ushered hospitality and faith 
Our children rescued from wandering 
and heroes celebrated 
When we eat real protein and draw from springs 
Like the prodigal son worn the best cloak 
the biggest cow slaughtered 
When the journey ends and suffering crowned 
Pilgrims awarded justice and liberty,
This remains our greatest dream. 

~Mr Humble