Home Blog Anambra guber: Anambra’s low debt profile shows Obiano’s competence -APGA chieftain

Anambra guber: Anambra’s low debt profile shows Obiano’s competence -APGA chieftain



The Deputy National Chairman of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Chief Uchenna Okogbuo, has described the recent debt profile released by the Debt Management Office (DMO) which showed that Anambra State was the least indebted state in the country as an indication that Governor Willie Obiano has the capacity for  financial management.

According to the DMO, Lagos, Delta and Akwa Ibom topped the list of the most indebted states, while Anambra is the least. Okogbuo said the statement by the DMO is another feather to Obiano’s cap.

“What differentiates APGA from the other political parties is that while other parties look for money bags, APGA shops for quality talents with transformation capacities. Even though Anambra is not among the oil producing states, salaries of  workers and that of pensioners are always paid on time. 

“It is the only state in the country where taxes have been reduced to lessen the effect of the current economic down turn on the masses, despite that,  infrastructural development is still going on across the state. APGA is not a party of propaganda. Our achievements speaks for itself With the release of DMO report,the people of Anambra have seen that their money is in good hands and as a saying goes,one good turn deserves another.

“The DMO’s statement is a vindication of Governor Obiano’s three years in office. APGA has set a record for good governance in the country that needs to be replicated across the country. Anambra is not among the oil producing states, yet it remains the only state in the country that workers and pensioners are paid as and when due. It is among the few states in the country where infrastructural development is going on and yet the least indebted state in the country” Okogbuo said.