Home Blog Army nabs corps members for allegedly blackmailing ladies with nude pictures

Army nabs corps members for allegedly blackmailing ladies with nude pictures


NYSC members

• Man in police net for alleged sexual assault on stepdaughter

Luck ran against four men from Ikaramu Akoko, in Akoko North-West West Local Government Area of Ondo State, who were arrested by men of the 32 Artillery Brigade of the Nigeria Army, Akure, for sending nude pictures of some ladies on the internet. 

Though security agents did not reveal their identities, The Guardian gathered that three of the suspects were members of the National Youths Service Corps (NYSC) serving in the state. 

A reliable source disclosed that the suspects usually invited their girl friends to hotels and would demand that they put off their clothes, while they snapped their nude pictures.

According to the source, the suspects would thereafter blackmail their victims by demanding money from them, threatening that if they failed to yield to their requests, their pictures would be pasted on the internet. 

According to him, “many ladies, including their colleagues corps members have fallen victims of the suspects and they have been making money from it before they were eventually caught. 

“They will invite their girl friends to a hotel in Ikare Akoko and after making love with the ladies, they will be taking their pictures while naked. Any of the ladies who fail to give out money will find her naked pictures on the internet. 

The Assistant Director, Army Public Relations, Major Ojo Adelegan, confirmed the arrest of the suspects and said they had been handed over to the appropriate security agency for further action. 

Adelegan, however, refused to disclose their identity, saying, “I can confirm their arrest but they are no more with us, they have been handed over to a security agency.”

Meanwhile, a 66-year-old man identified as Ijezei Nibel in Afuze, Owan East local government area of Edo State have been arrested by Afuze Divisional Police Headquarters for allegedly sexually harassing his 17-year-old stepdaughter.

A police source at the station, who confirmed the arrest, said Nibel was arrested on Monday after the victim reported to the police about the activities of her stepfather. Earlier, Nibel had instituted a case of abduction against two persons, Ohikhuare Victor and Friday Bello over the disappearance of his stepdaughter.

He was said to have claimed that he sighted his stepdaughter exchanging telephone numbers with one of the men and when she disappeared early on Monday morning when she was expected to fetch water, he reported the case of abduction at the police station.

She was later found at her biological father’s place in Ihievbe by men of the vigilance group. It was at this point the victim narrated her sexual ordeal with her stepfather, which she said has been on for nine years.

The DPO of the station, A. Bamidele, said Nibel, his wife Christiana and the victim would be transferred to the headquarters of Edo State Police Command for further action after investigations are concluded.